Getting the right advice from an actual attorney can be invaluable to the success of your small business. But, to help you get started, we've curated a library of free forms, templates, and contracts. These might be a good starting point for you and your business, but be aware that without seeing a lawyer you never really know if the documents suit your business and are protecting you properly.
In addition to BLC's document library, there there are many other places that offer free templates of legal documents. Here's a few that we like: ​
Getting the right advice from an actual attorney can be invaluable to the success of your small business. But, to help you get started, we've curated a library of free forms, templates, and contracts. These might be a good starting point for you and your business, but be aware that without seeing a lawyer you never really know if the documents suit your business and are protecting you properly.
In addition to BLC's document library, there there are many other places that offer free templates of legal documents. Here's a few that we like: ​
Our Partners
Patsy T. Mink Center for Business & Leadership
The Patsy T. Mink Center for Business & Leadership's (MCBL) mission is to equip women to become successful entrepreneurs and leaders by providing one-on-one business counseling, innovative workshops and unique, specialized programs in a nurturing environment. We partner with the MCBL to provide free 30 minute consultations every other week. Learn more about the MCBL on their website.
Hawaii Technology Development Corporation
The Hawaii Technology Development Corporation (HTDC) is a dynamic state agency responsible for diversifying Hawaii's economy developing a flourishing technology industry that provides quality, high-paying jobs for Hawaii residents. HTDC aims to accelerate the growth of Hawaii's technology industry by providing capital, building infrastructure and developing talent to foster innovation. HTDC is attached to the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. We partner with the MCBL to provide free 30 minute consultations every other week. Learn more about the HTDC on their website.
The Business Action Center
The Business Action Center (BAC) is a division within Hawaii’s Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. The BAC has offices in Honolulu, Kahului, and Hilo and offer greats information and services to help you register a business, trade name, trademark, or submit other filings with the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. In addition, the BAC can help you obtain tax licenses, permits and other registration requirements. Most importantly, every Thursday from 11am to 1pm, the BAC at their Nimitz location on Oahu offer business owners the chance to speak to business law attorneys for free and get basic guidance. Learn more about the BAC on their website.